Monday 29 February 2016

Ill Manors: Tag London campaign

Ill Manors Tag London Campaign was a very strong promotional technique that was used by the advertising board of Ill Manors and Plan B. It used people's opinion on Drew's new album and projected them on a large scale so that it was available to larger audiences. They grabbed tweets from users who expressed their views on the song as well as the government as a whole and the problems concerning the youth. The best tweets were chosen and then drawn up by graffiti artists and then they were projected across different areas and famous landmarks of London where many people could view and read the tweets of those users. 

The Tag London campaign helped promote the film as it gives a glimpse of what the views of the Ill Manors is all about, this would help in promoting the film as they both work under the same name and it will give the audience a sense of identity between the two titles. As the song caused a lot of chaos on social media, it would also convey a sense of hype for Ill Manors the film and would encourage viewers to experience the views and the lives of the lower class by going and watching the film. It also portrays a sense of synergy between the film and the album as they are both used to convey the same message.  

There is synergy between the Tag London Campaign and the TEDx Talk that Plan B spoke in. He expresses his opinions of the misrepresented youth and goes on to talk about the problems that have raised because of this, mainly the London Riots. 

User-generated or word of mouth campaigns would be a lot more successful than traditional campaigns because firstly user-generated content is free so that's the first and biggest bonus. This especially a very good advantage for a low budget film like Ill Manors because they are very tight on funs making the disturbing the film, having a free-form of advertising is brilliant for the promotion and distribution of the film. Another reason why user-generated campaigns are more successful is because the advertising of the film and the album is not like forced to the audience and it comes from a reliable opinion leader or from a friend and you are more likely to spend your time researching and you would be a lot more interested in it. 


The main target audience for this tweet would be more towards the younger age range of Plan B's following. This may be due to use of colloqualism featured in the tweet. It's understandable that slang is a common spoken lingo amongst London teenagers, but the way in which the tweet suggest that it was a younger fan of Plan B had composed the tweet. There is synergy between this tweet and the DVD Extras, as the both emphasise how good the film is and suggests a strong positive opinion on the music and film movement.


The ideal target audience for this tweet would be the more older viewers and listeners of iLL Manors. As the tweet focuses more on the political side on the construction of Britain. The ideal target audience would be young adults aged around 19-23, this age range would have more of an political understanding about the issues and problems we face as a capitalist society. There is synergy between this and the NME Magazine cover, as they both target the government and David Cameron.


The age range would be around 15-16 year old students. It may appeal to those in the reformers psychographic groups as it portrays a sense of independent judgement and awareness. This tweet would link to the TEDx Lecture, as Plan B spoke about how he was excluded from his secondary school, and how he was also left out as he lived in a dysfunctional family.


This particular tweet would appeal to teenagers as well as younger adults primarily because of the type of opinion they are expressing. As they are agreeing with what Plan B is talking about, it suggests that the user has some sort of understanding of the riots and the representation of the youth and has enough information in order to make a valued judgement on the happenings. There is synergy between this tweet and the NME interview, as they both focus on the truth and the way his material is conveyed to his audiences.


The  target audience of tis tweet would be more older viewers and listeners of iLL Manors, at an age range of 16-19 year olds. This is because the tweet focusing on the actions that many are taking towards something that is already considered broken and torn society. There is synergy between the TEDx Lecture and this tweet as they both focus on Britain as a whole and the views towards why and how it has become in this state over the last few years.

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