Wednesday 2 March 2016

A Field in England - Media Magazine Summary

The Media Magazine article is mainly about the distribution of films and how not only about putting films in cinemas in order to make box office sales. It mainly discusses the distribution of A Field in England compared to more high-budget Hollywood blockbuster films, and goes on to say that the distribution method for A Field in England was an "audacious approach". The distribution of A Field in England generated a lot of media interest as it was released in one go in the space of a day on all major media platforms.

On TV it drew a combined audience of 400,000 after the film had aired on TV for a few days. A Field in England was trending on Twitter in the UK which would've helped in the promotion of the film through opinions on the film which were conveyed through tweets. Sales of DVDs from retailers to nearly 2,000 copies. On the Film4OD and iTunes platforms there were a total of more than 3,000 purchases.

The release of A Field of England was different to a normal film release. The film was released on all platforms one after each other, on the same day. The film was released in cinemas, aired on national television, released on DVD and on-demand services. This is different than a typical film release as a film is usually in cinemas first, then sold on DVD and available online to purchase and download.

Releasing the film on all platforms on the same day is beneficial as it raises awareness about the film and enables it to reach a larger audience. As an arthouse film may not have the highest of budget, enabling the film to be released on all platforms as once will make it a more beneficial marketing campaign and will enable viewers to enjoy the nature of the film. 

However, a disadvantage to releasing A Field in England on all major platforms on the same day is that it may result in less revenue as people may wait for the film to be released on TV so they can view it for free instead of paying to go and watch it in the cinema. This may result in the film not making its investment to make the film back in box office sales. However, an arthouse film is not made to make huge box office sales, but is made to capture and convey the art of making a film and its narrative.

A Field in England's ideal target audience would be equally split between males and females at a 50/50 percentage. Age groups would be from 25-40 year olds who are from more higher paid jobs and fit into psychographic groups of succeeders and reformers. Clerical groups would be from AB1 and would be in secure jobs with a good educational background. As arthouse films are typically screened in small cinemas, they would be more traditional viewers and would enjoy embracing art created using moving images.

I think it was a great idea the way they released the film on all different platforms because it eliminates piracy. I think that more arthouse films may start using this technique, but high-budget Hollywood films would not use this as it would affect their sales and may not make back their high budgets.

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